HARRISBURG — Republican Party of Pennsylvania Spokesman Mike Barley released the following statement regarding the “Republicans” for Sestak event being held today in Philadelphia.
“It’s laughable that a man who supported cap-and-trade, government-run health care, a nearly $1 trillion stimulus plan and votes with Nancy Pelosi nearly 100% of the time would attempt to portray himself as anything other than an extreme liberal,” Barley said. “While Republicans believe in the core principles of limited government and fiscal responsibility, Joe Sestak has spent his years in Congress lobbying for more government, higher taxes, and job-killing economic policies.
“Unlike Joe Says-Tax, Pennsylvanians understand that the answer to all of life’s problems does not come in the form of a larger and more intrusive government. Joe Sestak is not only out-of-touch with just Republicans values — he’s out-of-touch with the values of Pennsylvanians!”
Sestak Extreme Liberal Track Record
IT JUST KEEPS GOING…On February 27th, 2009, Joe Sestak told WPVI-TV that the $787 billion stimulus bill “is actually a bit small in my opinion, but it’s the right step.” (ABC WPVI, 02/27/09) Sestak also said he “would have voted for $1 trillion.” (NBC WCAU, 02/27/09)
AND GOING…When it comes to government-run health care, Joe Sestak told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that I’m disappointed in the bill frankly, frustrated, I wanted a robust public option.” (MSNBC, Andrea Mitchell Reports, 12/17/09)
AND GOING… Joe Sestak was quoted as saying that the $821.2 billion cap-and-trade bill:
“I was disappointed in this bill because I thought it was eviscerated during the process too much.” (Netroots Nation, 8/14/09)